Monday, August 17, 2009

1] Are you available?: WHY YES, I AM

2] Do you mail out thank you notes for people who send you money/presents in the mail?: NOPE

3] Do you have an exhaust fan in your bathroom?: WHO DOESNT?

4] What do your shower curtains look like?: TROPICAL FISH

5] When you use the bathroom at someone else's house, what do you snoop around in? Be honest.: OH NO. WHAT CAN THEY HIDE?

6] Do you collect anything weird?: NOPE

7] If you could chose the color of the rug in your room and have it be any color, what color would it be?: GREEN, OF COURSE

8] Whose bathroom (besides your own) did you use last?: MY MOTHER'S

9] What milk do you use (whole, 2%, etc.)?: ALLERGIC

10] Last time you used a flashlight?: WHEN THE LIGHTS WENT OUT AT SCHOOL

11] What kind of car did you last ride in?: MINE

12] Where did you last go out to eat?: UM... SAIGON CAFE?

13] ^-- what did you order for dessert?: I NEVER EAR DESSERT

14] Is your current love interest older than you?: EVERYONE IN MY LOVE INTEREST IS OLDER

15] Ever kissed someone shorter than you?: OH GOD NO

16] Do you spoil your pets?: NOT AS MUCH AS SOME

17] What kind of floor is in your room?: CARPET...

18] If you have car/when you have a car, what will you decorate it with?: JUNK. IDK

19] Most you've spent/would spend on a car?: DEPENDS ON WHAT KIND IT IS. MAYBE $40,000+

20] Ever had a friend with benefits?: NO

21] What's your fish's name?: N/A

22] Why did you pick that name?: N/A

23] Last thing you cut out coupons for?: DIAPERS

24] Last person from work that you talked to?: N/A

25] Whose birthday was last, and what present did you get them?: AMY'S. WE GOT HER A SNACK BALL AND BATH TOYS

26] Which friend of yours travels the most?: THANH

27] Are you still friends with anyone who moved while you were in middle school?: MORE LIKE AQUAINTANCES NOW

28] Are their any fake flowers in the room you're in?: YUP

29] Do you play Call of Duty?: NOPE

30] Last person to drink alcohol in your presence?: MY SISTER

31] When friends come over, where do you normally hang out?: THE LIVING ROOM

32] Ever meet someone with naturally bad breath that they just couldn't get rid of?: OMG. YES. LMAO!!

33] Where did you buy your last fish?: WHAT'S WITH ALL THE FISH QUESTIONS?

34] Last thing you bought at Wal*Mart?: BABY BATH WASH

35] Is your hair thick, thin, or in the middle?: MIDDLE

36] Which do you prefer, casual sex or sex within a relationship?: IDC. NOT LIKE IT INVOLVES EMOTIONS ANYMORE. SEX IS JUST SEX NOW =/

37] Your last breakup, who did it, or was it mutual?: I DID

38] Do you know where to find most things at your job?: YES

39] Which of your friends has the cutest pet?: SUE

40] Favorite color of plaid?: BLACK

41] Ever had Cow Tails?: NO...

42] Which do you prefer; quotes, icons, or surveys?: ALL

43] Where did your last kiss take place?: A CAR

44] Spell your name in the craziest way possible (ex. Maria becomes Mareeyuh).: R@YV3N

45] Do you prefer hoop earrings or studs on guys?: HOOPS ON GUYS? SAY WHAT? STUDS OR NOTHING AT ALL

46] Do you like your love interests to be a challenge?: OH NEVER. I'LL WALK AWAY BEFORE YOU CAN TURN AROUND

47] Last time you used heat on your hair?: 1PM TODAY

48] What hair product can you not live without?: UM... A STRAIGHTENER

49] What brand is your straightener/blowdryer/curler?: IDK... IDR

50] Do you own a crimper?: NO. BLACK GIRLS DONT NEED THAT. LOL

Thursday, August 13, 2009

You Make Me Better

Are you more of a sinner or a saint?
a bit of both. nobody is perfect

Who's your favorite singer of all time?
too many to list

If you had only 30 days left on earth, how would you spend them?
with everybody i love & having the time of my life

Are you tired right now?
a little

Do you have a job? If so, Where?
Library clerk during school

Which is worse, smoking or drinking?

Do you drink sweet tea?

Your favorite sport just so happens to be...?
Gymnastics & Dance

Are you in a relationship? If so, how long have you been?

How many songs do you have on your ipod?

What piercings or tattoos do you have?
ears & used to have navel

What's the next concert you will be attending?
Unsure. Maybe Jamie Foxx

What airline do you fly most?
delta usually

Your dream car is what?
a black ferrari :) (Yes, i have expensive taste)

Have you ever wanted to just run away and start over?
oh yes. all the time...

Do you live in a big city, or in the country?

The south will rise again, right..?
better not! get dat ass whooped!

Do you have a dog that is destructive?
oh no. he only destructs food

Does your mom like to burn candles?
like once a year

What is your favorite scent/smell?
apples & Noir by Victoria's Secret... mmm...

Do you watch football? If so, Who's your favorite team?

Have you ever done something really embarrassing in front of your boyfriend?
I don't have a boyfriend now. But before, probably.

If you could hang out with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?
my friends. Old and new

Green tractors, or red ones?
I dont care

Is your hair naturally straight, or curly?
Curls away

Do you ever buy complete CD's anymore?

Do you collect anything?
your face

Do you have an Ipod, Ipod Shuffle, Ipod Nano, or Ipod Touch?
iPod nano

When's your birthday?
21 of October

Have you ever watched the show 'FRIENDS'?
once or twice

What's one TV series, you've seen every episode of?
um.... idk. probably some junk of VH1. idk.
or Spongebob. there's only like 2 episodes i missed

Where's the weirdest place you've ever slept?
a car?

Who's got better commercials, McDonalds or Burger King?
burger king, they're funnier

How many hats does your dad own?
idk. i dont go in his closet

What do your parents do for a living?
dad has his own booming business & mother is a retiree

Where is the person who has your heart at?
sleeping in her playpen

Are you sick of answering questions yet?
im fine

Do you plan on going to college? If so, where?
i am in college. Emory

Would you rather be in the army or navy?
neither. they wouldnt want my little self

Would you rather be a police officer or fire fighter?
neither. Im not intimidating enough or strong enough to save people

Are you an emotionally tough person?
yes. you'll never see me cry. ever.
I'd rather sulk in my shame alone.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Something always brings me back to you. Never takes too long...

Do you smoke weed regularly? nope.
Have you kissed anyone in the last 48 hours?
Miss someone?
Third text in your inbox and by whom?
Don't feel like looking
Is there something you could've done to make your last relationship last?
I tried long enough.
What are you doing tomorrow?
probably nothing like usual
Anything annoying you right now?
What did you do last night?
watch tv. take care of mia.
Have you ever done anything illegal?
an illegal u-turn
What did you do Sunday?
Hung out with Thanh & Adiam
Do you have any bruises and from what?
on my arm from a door
What were you doing yesterday?
Take care of mu-mu
Last text you received and from whom?
Last movie you watched?
Transformers 2
Who did you watch it with?
Thanh, Adiam, Yeni & Callie
Do you wear any jewelry 24/7?
i never wear jewlery...
Last person you hugged?
Last place you went to?
Who/what made you upset today?
im always upset, so idr...
Do you want to tell your ex anything?
I'm fine
If you could fix things with anyone,who would it be and why?
I've tried fixing things & im not wasting my time anymore
Has anyone ever told you they're in love with you?
What should you be doing right now?
maybe sleeping...
What are you looking forward to?
Better days
Tell me a fact about the last person that texted you:
its a human
When was the last time you ate Taco Bell?
long time ago
What is your favorite salad dressing?
Think of your very first kiss with the last person you kissed. Was it sweet or was it awkward?
um... nice
Have you ever broken anything because you were mad?
Do you like wearing headbands?
oh no
Do you have a Louis Vuitton purse?
Do you wear American Eagle?
I own nothing AE
Do you write in cursive or print?
Who were you with the last time you went to the movie theater?
Do you like Converse?
yes. but i own none
Is it possible for someone to like both Hollister and Hot Topic?
yes. i do
How old were you when you got your first cell phone?
like... 13
Do you like Chris Brown?
nope. that hypocritical woman beater
Have you ever eaten at Chick-fil-a?
Do you like the name Blaire?
its ok
Are you thirsty?
a little
Do you and your best friend share clothes?
no... even though we all wear the same size...
What accent do you like the most?
Mine. idk
Yes or no: candy apples?
Never had one
Is the closet in your bedroom a walk-in closet?
I wish...
Do you call it sitting "criss-cross" or "​​​​​​Indian-​​​​​​style"​​​​​​?​​​​​​
what's the difference??
Do you like pudding?
Do you find graveyards scary?
Honestly have you ever written something on a bathroom stall?
It's 4 in the morning, your phone rings, who is it?
no freakin clue cuz i wouldnt answer unless its family
What do you think of people who smoke?
their choice. their cancer...
Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back?
How do you feel about chocolate covered strawberries?
What would you do if someone told you that you were the most beautiful person they have ever seen?
i'd smile, say thanks, and walk away. (probably a creeper anyway) lol
Do you have a best friend that knows you inside and out?
Have you ever shared a drink with anyone?
yes, but i dont enjoy it. Im a germaphobe & think im gonna get the herpes simplex virus (cold sores)
How many pillows are on your bed?
three & a body pillow
Do you want to get married and have kids?
married, maybe. I already have the kid
Have you hugged anyone in the last 72 hours?
yes sir-ree
What did you do on the 4th of July?
movie & fireworks show
Do you have any siblings?
Were you sad when you heard about Michael Jackson's death?
no. (sorry MJ fans.)
Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
What's something you really want right now, be honest?
to be dirty rich ;] and happiness
Are you afraid of falling in love?
i'm more afraid that it won't happen. I have a cold heart... =/
Have you ever been in trouble with the police?
Do you drink water?
Have you ever lived with your girlfriend/​​​​​boyfriend?​​​​​
yes XP
Next time you will kiss someone?
i don't know.
Do you think your first love affects the way you go on with life?
it may, but I wouldnt know.
Honestly, if you could go back 1 month and change something would you?
Is there someone you have had a crush on ever since you met them?
yes. omg. but im done now. @__@ that is too freakin long. 4 years?!
Is there anyone in your life that you wish you were closer to?
Have you ever trusted someone you wish you wouldn't have?
oh yes. >__<
Think of the person you'd like to be with the most right now, when did you last talk to them?
i actually wanna be alone right now...
Do you hate being alone?
I'm used to it
Are you tan?
I'm a negro...
Do you hate the last guy/girl you had a thing with?
not hate. I don't hate. Have disagreements with? yes.
Have you ever been out past curfew?
i don't have a curfew... just whenever mother says to be home. and yes, ive been out past the given time
Are you enemies with a former friend?
not enemies. but we dont talk anymore
How did you and your number 1 become friends?
#1 what? this aint myspace.
Who was the last person you cried in front of?
Who was the last person in your bed besides you?
Do you currently have a hickey?
If your best friend was kicked out, would your parents let him/her live with you?
probably. but my mom doesn't like being involved with conflicts outside the family
Do you miss school?
no. I'm anti-people
Think of the last person who said "I love you," do you think they meant it?
Are you single or in a relationship?
Don't you just hate running into people you know?
yes because I either dont look my best or dont wanna talk about how I had a baby & see them pretend they care =/
What could you not go without during the day?
my phone
Does anything hurt on your body?
my personality
What are you listening to right now?
Mad by Neyo
Do you think you've ruined your chances with someone?
probably, but who cares. I'll be ok
Are you jealous of anyone at the moment?
*psh* more like who is jealous of me? lol
How many people do you 100% trust?
My daughter & mother
Do you think making out is slutty?
no, as long as you know the guy for more than a day
Are you gonna get high later?
ha! no
Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
What are you planning on doing after this?
maybe sleep.
Do you still talk to the person you last kissed?
Do you listen to your friends when they tell you a boy or girl is bad for you?
sometimes. sorry guys! lol =D
Would you go out with someone right now if they asked?
depends on who it was. I just dont say yes to any slut-face!
Do you think somebody's in love with you?
Besides my mother & daughter, no.
Have you ever liked someone that was in a relationship?
yes. welcome to chapter 1 of my life =D
If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
its up to them
What's your current problem?
i have too many
Have you ever had your heart broken?
no one can pierce this metal heart <3>
Do you throw around the word love?
no. no. no.
How many kids do you want to have?
1. if not 2. pregnancy & labor were the death of me =[

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Yo yo yo!

1. last beverage = GREEN TEA
2. last phone call = CALLIE
3. last text message = ADIAM
4. last song you listened to = DONT REMEMBER
5. last time you cried = JUNE

6. dated someone twice = NO
7. been cheated on = YES
8. kissed someone & regretted it = YEAH
9. lost someone special = NO
10. been depressed = WHO HASN'T?
11. been drunk and threw up = YES


15. Made a new friend = YES
16. Fallen out of love = NEVER BEEN IN LOVE
17. Laughed until you cried = OF COURSE
18. Met someone who changed you = NOT YET
19. Found out who your true friends were = OH YES
20. Found out someone was talking about you = NOT THAT I KNOW OF BUT PROBABLY
21. Kissed anyone on your FB friend's list = YES

22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life = ALL OF THEM. I DONT ADD WEIRDOS
24. Do you have any pets = A CHIHUAHUA
25. Do you want to change your name = IM FINE
26. What did you do for your last birthday = HANG WITH THANH & ADIAM
27. What time did you wake up today = UM... 11:00AM
28. What were you doing at midnight last night = TALKING ON THE PHONE
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for = TO HAVE LOTS OF MONEY
30. Last time you saw your Mother = LIKE 6PM
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life = MY FINANCIAL SITUATION & WHERE I LIVE =/
32. What are you listening to right now = TELEVISION
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom = YES
34. What's getting on your nerves right now = ALOTA JUNK
36. Where do you want to be right now? = THE BEACH
37. Nicknames = RAY (OR RAE) AND YANEE
38. Relationship Status = SINGLE
39. Zodiac sign = LIBRA
40. Male or female? = FEMALE
42. Middle School = JEFFERSON MIDDLE
44. Hair color = BROWN
45. Long or short = MEDIUM
46. Height = 5' 1/2"
47. Do you have a crush on someone? YES
48. What do you like about yourself? I'M WONDERFUL!
49. Piercings = EARS & USED TO BE NAVEL
50. Tattoos = NONE FOR NOW
51. Righty or Lefty = rRIGHT
52. First surgery = NEVER
53. First piercing = OREJAS
54. First best friend = CALLIE, THANH & ADIAM
56. First vacation = LIKE I KNOW
58. First crush = DONT REMEMBER

60. Drinking = GREEN TEA
61. I'm about to = FINISH MY OTHER BLOG
62. Listening to = SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE
63. Waiting for = GREATNESS TO HAPPEN

64. Want kids? = I GOT ONE
65. Get Married? = POSSIBLY
66. Career? = OBSTETRICIAN

67. Lips or eyes = ON ME, EYES
68. Hugs or kisses = HUGS
69. Shorter or taller= TALLER
70. Older or Younger = OLDER
71. Romantic or spontaneous = SPONTANEOUS
72. Nice stomach or nice arms = DONT CARE
73. Sensitive or loud = NEITHER
74. Hook-up or relationship = RELATIONSHIP
75. Trouble maker or hesitant = NEITHER

76. Kissed a stranger = NO
77. Drank hard liquor = NO
78. Lost glasses/contacts = CONTACTS
79. Sex on first date = NO
80. Broken someone's heart = YES
81. Had your own heart broken = NO
82. Been arrested = NEVER
83. Turned someone down = ALL THE TIME
84. Cried when someone died = NO ONE DIED
85. Fallen for a friend? = OH NO

86. Yourself = YES
87. Miracles = NO
88. Love at first sight = NOPE
89. Heaven = YES
90. Santa Claus = SAY WHAT?!
91. Kiss on the first date = DEPENDS
92. Angels = YES

93. Had more than one bf/gf?= YES
95. Did you sing today? = YES, I DID
96. Ever cheated on somebody? = NO
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go, and why? BEFORE I WAS BORN.
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? NOTHING. LAST YEAR SUCKED
99. Are you afraid of falling in love with somebody else? = NO. NOT REALLY
100. Posting this as 100 truths? = SURE... NOT!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

So Beautiful You Are...- Me'Shell Ndegeocello

Normal questions, harder answers. Only answer in song lyrics.

Current relationship status: ""Pretty mama if you're single, single... You don't gotta be alone tonight."
(NKOB ft. Neyo- Single)

Your first love: "Love is so blind. It feels right when it's wrong."
(Beyonce- Me, Myself & I)

Do you believe in love at first sight? "What part of no don't you understand?"
(BoA- Did Ya)

Your most recent ex: "You were somewhere burnin' deisel in the streets havin' laughs"
(Mariah Carey- Thanx 4 Nothin')

Your best friend: "Times...Change... Togehter we'll be fine. You and me... Yeah. It's not easy all the time."
(B*Witched- Together We'll Be Fine)

Sex: "Let me get mine, you get yours (but don't fall in love)"
(Christina Aguilera- Get Mine, Get Yours)

Marriage: "Now I see what 'love' means. It's so unbelievable & I don't wanna let it go"
(Craig David- Unbelievable)

Life: "Life is a journey. It will take you wherever you choose to go"
(Christina Aguilera- The Voice Within)

Death: "And now when I need you the most, you don't know..."
(98 Degrees)

Your regrets: "No, no more sorrow! I've paid for your mistakes"
(Linkin Park)

High School: "I just want to get away! Savin' all ur bullshit for another day!"
(Christina Aguilera- Make Over)

Your worst enemy: "I hate you so much right now!"
(Kelis- I Hate You So Much Right Now)

Authority: "Free your mind & the rest will follow."
(Envogue- Free Your Mind)

Politics: "Don't bother me with all of your reality"
(Katy Perry- I'm Still Breathing)

Your religious stand/views: "Hey, do you feel our pain?"
(Shakira- How Do You Do)

Monday: "I met this girl on Monday, Took her for a drink on Tuesday."
(Craig David- 7 Days)

**I started to put in random lyrics I like & feel cuz this is too hard**

Tuesday: "You shoulda known that I'm not gonna sit around & wait for you to get your act together.
Shoulda known better"
(BoA- Did Ya)

Wednesday: "I can't believe I fell for your schemes. I'm smarter than that.So young and naive to believe
that with me you're a changed man."
(Beyonce- Me, Myself & I)

Thursday:"If you want me, there's no discount price tonight"
(Katy Perry- If You Can Afford Me)

Friday: "I love them hoes, love them hoes, love them hoes"
(Eamon- Love Them Hoes)

Saturday: "There is nothing that's more sexy than a girl that want, but don't need me"
(Neyo, Jamie Foxx & Fabulous- She Got Her Own)

Sunday: "When she's sleepin on the sofa. When she's layin in her Sunday best.
When she's turnin over Friday, I swear I'm sleepin less & less. When the ocean's gettin warmer
& California's on her mind..."
(Augustana- Sunday Best)

Coffee: "I guess second best is all I will know"
(Katy Perry- Thinking of You)

Tea: "Thought I couldn't live with out you. It's gonna hurt when it heals too."
(Leona Lewis- Better in Time)

Alcohol: "Blame it on the Goose, got you feelin' loose"
(Jamie Foxx- Blame It)

Cigarettes: "You're my rockstar in between the sets. Eyeliner & cigarrettes"
(Lady Gaga- Paparazzi)

Lunch meat: "Pull a stack out of my pocket & say 'can I touch you there?'"
(Mullage- Trick'n)

Food: "You taste just like glitter mixed with rock & roll"
(Lady Gaga- Boys Boys Boys)

Color: "Look at the stars. Look how they shine for you. And everything you do.
Yeah, they were all yellow" (Coldplay- Yellow)

Anything you'd like to add: "Why can't you just tell the truth? If somebody's there, then tell me who."
(Destiny's Child- Say My Name)

LONG Clothing Survey

Clothes That I Think Are Hideous
Would You Wear It?
(by toastymakessurveys)

Section One: Shirts

Comments: I wouldnt wear this...

Comments: I dont look good in plaid

Comments: Dont enjoy pink

Comments: Nope

Comments: Nope

Comments: Never

Comments: Uh no

Comments: hahaha! cute but no

Comments: no

Comments: Jesus, no!

Comments: Never

Comments: nope

Comments: wtf is this?!

Comments: Is this even considered clothes?

Comments: Haha! Cute... but not for me

Comments: I dont have the chest-icles for this

Comments: Yeah! (finally a yes)

Comments: I couldnt pull this off...

Comments: nah

Comments: Lol.

Comments: negative

Comments: maybe

Section Two: Dresses/Skirts

Comments: Oh hell...

Comments: Yeah, I like

Comments: possibly, i have to see what it looks like on and maybe with a black jacket

Comments: no

Comments: Possibly

Comments: Too colorful

Comments: maybe in a different color

Comments: who would wear this? Honestly

Wrapper Zebra Trapeze Dress
Comments: naw

Comments: Maybe...

Comments: I'm not punk enough -___-

Comments: oh no

Comments: if they weren't too short, possible. I dont really wear skirts

Comments: negative

Comments: eh... i might

Comments: No pink

Candie's Plaid Miniskirt
Comments: Nope

Hang Ten Juliana Plaid Maxi Skirt
Comments: nope

Comments: wow, can you say hooch?!

Comments: what is this?!

Comments: never

Section Three: Pants/Shorts

Comments: i don't like white pants

Comments: too sleep/work out, yes

Comments: no

Comments: is this the 60's or 70's?

Comments: no

Comments: wow...

Comments: negative

Comments: negative

Comments: nin

Comments: baw

H2j Distressed Bootcut Jeans
Comments: maybe,

Comments: nope

Comments: nopers

Comments: eh...

Comments: oh em gee

Comments: too short

Comments: Never

Comments: not my type

Comments: i dont like the pockets

Comments: too colorful

Comments: possibly...

Comments: DANG! Dem some daisy dukes!

SO Plaid Shorts
Comments: naw

Section Four: Shoes

Comments: maybe

Comments: yeah

Comments: Oh no way

Comments: not a fan of purple

Comments: Possible

Comments: not a fan of animal print

Comments: Magic City?

Comments: too colorful for me

Comments: maybe... although I dont wear sneakers

Comments: if they were black

Comments: no pink

Comments: UGH!

Comments: I'd just like to look at them... wear... not sure

Comments: too colorful

Comments: no

Comments: n-o

Comments: GOD!

Section Five: Swimwear

Turquoise And Black Checker Swim Bottom - 230104
Comments: nah

Turquoise And Black Zebra Stripe Skirted Swim Bottom - 256371
Comments: no

Comments: ew

Comments: ugh

Comments: blah!

Comments: WTF!!

Comments: nah

Comments: maybe

Section Six: Other

Comments: no

Comments: naw

Comments: maybe in a different color

Comments: nope

Comments: No. Im picky with bags

Comments: no way

Comments: haha no! reminds me of Lida

Comments: OMJ.

Comments: Baw

Comments: nope

Comments: Too many colors

Comments: no no

Comments: i couldn't pull that off...

Comments: Or that

Comments: or this

Comments: are u serious

Comments: i could make this

Comments: too ghetto

Comments: maybe...

Comments: nah

Comments: possible

Comments: no

Comments: straight ugh!