Thursday, August 13, 2009

You Make Me Better

Are you more of a sinner or a saint?
a bit of both. nobody is perfect

Who's your favorite singer of all time?
too many to list

If you had only 30 days left on earth, how would you spend them?
with everybody i love & having the time of my life

Are you tired right now?
a little

Do you have a job? If so, Where?
Library clerk during school

Which is worse, smoking or drinking?

Do you drink sweet tea?

Your favorite sport just so happens to be...?
Gymnastics & Dance

Are you in a relationship? If so, how long have you been?

How many songs do you have on your ipod?

What piercings or tattoos do you have?
ears & used to have navel

What's the next concert you will be attending?
Unsure. Maybe Jamie Foxx

What airline do you fly most?
delta usually

Your dream car is what?
a black ferrari :) (Yes, i have expensive taste)

Have you ever wanted to just run away and start over?
oh yes. all the time...

Do you live in a big city, or in the country?

The south will rise again, right..?
better not! get dat ass whooped!

Do you have a dog that is destructive?
oh no. he only destructs food

Does your mom like to burn candles?
like once a year

What is your favorite scent/smell?
apples & Noir by Victoria's Secret... mmm...

Do you watch football? If so, Who's your favorite team?

Have you ever done something really embarrassing in front of your boyfriend?
I don't have a boyfriend now. But before, probably.

If you could hang out with anyone, living or dead, who would it be?
my friends. Old and new

Green tractors, or red ones?
I dont care

Is your hair naturally straight, or curly?
Curls away

Do you ever buy complete CD's anymore?

Do you collect anything?
your face

Do you have an Ipod, Ipod Shuffle, Ipod Nano, or Ipod Touch?
iPod nano

When's your birthday?
21 of October

Have you ever watched the show 'FRIENDS'?
once or twice

What's one TV series, you've seen every episode of?
um.... idk. probably some junk of VH1. idk.
or Spongebob. there's only like 2 episodes i missed

Where's the weirdest place you've ever slept?
a car?

Who's got better commercials, McDonalds or Burger King?
burger king, they're funnier

How many hats does your dad own?
idk. i dont go in his closet

What do your parents do for a living?
dad has his own booming business & mother is a retiree

Where is the person who has your heart at?
sleeping in her playpen

Are you sick of answering questions yet?
im fine

Do you plan on going to college? If so, where?
i am in college. Emory

Would you rather be in the army or navy?
neither. they wouldnt want my little self

Would you rather be a police officer or fire fighter?
neither. Im not intimidating enough or strong enough to save people

Are you an emotionally tough person?
yes. you'll never see me cry. ever.
I'd rather sulk in my shame alone.

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